Digitalized documents are more and more used and will become a rule in coming years. Indeed, they offer a lot of advantages such as reducing paper archive, saving time when looking for a document or even a decrease in complaints. IRIUM Software has made a module answering all needs in terms of customers’ document dematerialization. iMob Sign will allow you to have an electronic signature of your customers at the desk or in the workshop.
What is digitalization ?
The digitalization of a document is the fact of having a document informatically processed from its creation to the archive. Dematerialization is made for all incoming such as outcoming enterprise documents. More and more appreciated and used, digitalization will become a new rule in coming years.
Want to start with iMob Sign?
Thanks to a 39 years old experience in the conception of ERP, IRIUM Software made a module answering all needs of a modern company. The module is designed to answer all your business issues and to allow you to increase the efficiency of your company.
iMob Sign can be used at your shop’s desk or in your workshop. It’s made for electronic signature of documents such as delivery orders, orders, work orders, etc. All signed documents will be digitalized and archived under a PDF format in your ERP.
A module allowing you to be more efficient
Easy and efficient, iMob Sign offers you the possibility to have all your customers’ documents in your tablet or smartphone at any time. The module offers you the possibility to save time and no more paper archive. Indeed, all your documents are automatically classified by your software, allowing you to search them fast.
Digitalization also offers an ecological argument in front of your clients which improve your brand image. Moreover, the electronic signature offers your more security and allow you to reduce your customers complaints in order to benefit from a better communication with them.
iMob Sign seen by one of our customers
Aurélien Grislain, head of purchase at JAMS dealership talks about his experience with iMob Sign:
“The app is easy to use: a signature on the tablet, a click to transfer the document and its in the archive. No more lost notes and no more loss of time looking for paper documents in the archive. Everything is in the software perfectly classified and in the right folder. We have the proof that the customer signed at this date, it’s a security and it avoids complaints.”